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Monday, August 1, 2011

bunch of band-aid wielding neophytes

well I broke my promise to my ailing heart and watched the news this morning and I've been listening to talk radio all day. here's what I've come up with: the President woosed out, the Speaker of the House didn't really get what he wanted (exactly), the Tea Party-ers got exactly what they wanted and the Deficit Reduction Committee has total and complete control of how our taxes and spending changes will be regulated in the future. Does anyone know who is on the Deficit Reduction Committee? I think it should be Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, Bevis, Butthead, Rambo and Mr. T. Who's with me? The House was scheduled to vote last night, then this morning, then this afternoon and here it is 6:30pm and they still have't voted. The political ramifications behind this saga in Washington is this: the story can be spun however you feel like interpreting it. If you're a Republican, you can see it as a victory for your guys. You can say "WOO HOO we beat the stupid wimpy President again!" but then you'll take a closer look at the bill, then you'll look at each other, then look at the bill, then look at fox news, then look at the ground, then look at a big statue of a guy sitting on a horse and starring at the White House with a shameful look, then pass out with your face in a victory cake. If you're a Democrat you can see it as a victory for your President. You can say that he is capable and competent and he may have just got the crap kicked out of him, but he's still a good leader. He, and the Democratic congressional delegation, will walk back to the swing set with their heads down, but will begin a plot for revenge. That meeting will go something like this, they'll look at each other, look at the ground, look at each other, read the bill, watch msnbc, look at the big statue of a guy with a beard, pass out with a cake knife in their hand.

So remember people, there is no such thing as a victory or a defeat in Washington. As long as people are talking, we can spin the story however we feel like it. Damn I love this country.....and cake.

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