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Thursday, August 25, 2011

where in the world is moammar gadhafi?

Let's hear it for those Lybian rebels! Trinidad - the rebels have taken over the Gadhafi compound and have declared victory over the dictator's regime. As the sound of gunfire and RPG explosions echoed in the morning air, the rebels sang songs of triumph and danced in the streets. Good job fellas. We'll forget right now how idiotic it is to fire a weapon (much less an RPG) in the air. We'll just focus on how these rebels were able to get organized enough to overrun the Lybian army in the capital city of Trinidad. Let's ponder this for just a moment. Organization of the masses. Sounds simple enough in a world of constant contact through blackberries, iPads, XBox Connect, Workbooks, Notebooks, YouTube, Facebook, Lindsay Lohan, Lil Wayne. Do you think the average textile worker in Lybia has an laptop, the average fisherman a blackberry, policeman an iPhone? How many people in this country actually have access to the magical internet that we all take for granted? When you add the possibility of using only cellular technology and word of mouth, it makes this rebel force much more impressive. These guys are about 5 minutes away from destroying the death star with MaCgyver like engineering and Davie Crockett hunting rifles. So good job guys. Now what do you do? Well you're going to have to start governing at some point. Figure out a chain of command, put someone in charge and start a democratic society from scratch. Oh, you did that before? What was it, like 42 years ago and the guy you put in charge was who? Oh, the guy that you have been rebelling against for the better part 2 decades....and are now in the process of overruling. Ok, so back to the drawing board. I restate my earlier question. What do we do now? Well no doubt the US intelligence agency(s) had something to do with this. We have oil interests in Lybia, it would be a perfect place to set up a satellite jump off point to the middle east and it's right across the Mediterranean from the place Christina Aguilera vacations. Of course we had something to do with this. You don't have to be an intelligence guru to figure that one out. (you don't even have to know how to spell intelligence guru to figure it out). So I figure since we probably helped organize and arm the rebels, (the same way we probably helped the Afghanis fight the soviet army in the 70's) we should probably stick around and help the Lybians create a government that will work for them. There are constitutional experts on our payroll. Let's let the Lybians borrow some of these guys for a few months and have them write a Lybian constitution. A living document that can be manipulated through an act of congress. It will work for the Lybians until they get internet and cable tv in every house. Then they'll have to deal with the politics in the media, their government will forget the middle class, they'll eat too much McDonald's and blog about their political impotency. Sound familiar? So maybe someone else should help them write their constitution.

Back to the Moammar. Gadhafi has disapeared. no trace of him. where could he have gone? why would he leave? well he could have gone to any of the square mileage of the Texas sized country of which Trinidad is only one medium sized city. If the doesn't want to be found, he's gone forever. He's probably at the Baldwin estate already. he left because he is, as it turns out, just as blind to the plight of his people as every dictator. Here's what I don't get. How did he not see this coming? he's been in power for 42 years, you would think his experience would afford him some vision of the future and an ability to predict an outrage that included more than a million of his citizens. When they find him in a few months, it'll be a much smaller story.

in domestic news - Christina Aguilera (native of my home town) has leaked some new almost nude photos on the internet. For the 6 of you who haven't seen her naked yet, here's your chance.

The earthquake that originated in Virginia was felt as far away as Canada (that's the country just to the north of us, I forgot about them after South Park The Movie too).

Steve Jobs steps down as CEO of Apple. What an amazing dude. Nothing funny about the legacy he's leaving....or pancreatic cancer. Just think about the impact he's had on the world and what civilization would be like without his vision and innovation. No ipod, ipad, iphone, pixar movies, angry birds......the list goes on.

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