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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

back, and to the left

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) - the guys from the pentagon who created gps, missile detection capabilities, the stealth fighter and the internet -  are being investigated for giving what could be the largest military contract to a civilian company ever. The contract was given to a Maryland based company called RedXDefence. Who is the former CEO of this civilian company? None other than Regina Dugan. Yep, the current director of DARPA. Yeah, someone might want to look into this. So let's look into Regina a little shall we? What did she do before becoming the director of DARPA? Other than co-founding RedXDefence with her father, she was a senior official at DARPA. How many people does it take to realize that there's something screwy happening here. This stuff happens all the time with small businesses. Someone works at a job, they learn the terrain, they think of different, more efficient, more profitable ways to do what they do and go out on their own. Why do people do this? Ambition and money. So how is this different? no no. I'll answer for you. This is YOUR gosh darn money that the defense department is messing around with. I love DARPA. I'm a big proponent of what they do and I'm glad that the guys that work there are on our side. These are the idea people that have probably come up with better ways of doing almost everything that we do. bless them. But the director is messing it all up. Dugan is brilliant and qualified, but as is in so many corporate situations, the director directs. she doesn't develop, decide or decipher anything that happens under her (get your head out of the gutter. i'm serious here). her job is to look pretty and make sure the overspending doesn't exceed 100% of the budgeted expenses. Ok, so now she's the director and she has decided that the company that she founded is the best outsource for this new contract. Of course she does. Do you think Dugan has any say in whether or not we continue fighting these wars? that is the real question here....and one that will fester, (unless of course you work in Langley, VA). What if we get into another conflict? it's not exactly out of the question for the US to intervene in a conflict that we have no interest in. So it comes back to who gets what. Let's just say that Regina is found guilty of messing around with defense department spending and she's fired. now we have to go looking for a new civilian company to outsource this contract? is the contract that was signed by the US DoD and RedX binding. Can this contract be broken for any reason? I don't know any of that. I'm just bringing this to your attention because I found it interesting. It also stirred up other thoughts of conspiracy: the CIA murder of John Lennon? Who was the second (or third or fourth) gunman on the grassy knoll? Is the FDA putting stuff in our food that they know to be toxic? the RFK assassination, area 51, the link between oil and politics, Lindsay Lohan, Lil Wayne? We have so much to fear besides fear itself Mr. Roosevelt. We have the American conspiracy theorists to fear, the mainstream media and the Mayan calendar. I'm afraid right now as i sit in my air conditioned house wearing my Vector jammies.

Back to the point. War is this countries biggest industry. We've spent something like 4 trillion dollars in the middle east in the past couple of decades. Of your 4 trillion dollars, how much of it went to civilian contractors building stuff for our military operations? I'm betting it was a lot. There is one particular conspiracy theory that links the JFK assassination with the Vietnam conflict (which soon after his death became the Vietnam war). I can't help but think that the country needed a war in the 60's. WWII was over in '45, nothing of military historical significance happened in the 50's and it was time for something new. the defense budget was far overdue for some spending. and civilian military contractors were sitting on their heals for the better part of a decade. it was time for those folks to get back to work and make some money. and that's what it all comes down to folks. money. we have to keep the money flowing even if it means our soldiers and sailors have to meet the business end of a soviet made assault rifle. it's just become so sad that we're in this situation and there's nothing to do except blog about it.

The classified files regarding the JFK assassination come out of the vault in 2029 (or 2017 depending on which internet source you want to look up). will those files shed any light on anything? will it give us some indication whether or not he was killed so we could solidify our relationship with our own civilian defense contractors? and most importantly will it assure us that we will be protected if it comes to that again? will we learn anything? I'm betting that before the files are released someone will have lost the keys to the vault....never to be found again. the conspiracy continues...

(right before i was going to publish this, my computer shut down by itself. it had plenty of battery life and no viruses that i know of. good thing blogspot automatically saves stuff. did someone from the CIA hack into my computer before I had a chance to post this? as with most things, we'll never know.....spooky)

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