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Saturday, July 30, 2011


Due to my news-induced rising blood pressure, I've sworn off watching tv until Tuesday. This has given me some time to think about my personal life and my wonderful family. Over the past 17 months my family has gone through some difficult times. I got a promotion, lost my job, moved twice and had a baby. Any one of those things happening to a family is cause for increased stress levels, but all in less than a year and a half would cause some to just lay down and cry. I feel it's not out of line to thank a few people whom have been particularly wonderful to us during our times of turmoil and triumph. First of all, thank you to my wonderful wife for all the love and support. I really couldn't be who I am without you baby. I love you so much. Cort, Dave, Fia, Roman. You guys have been so helpful and supportive. Thank you for opening you home to us and treating us well. You're all ok in my book. Mom, Dad, Justin, we couldn't have sustained life without your support. Thank you so much for everything. I can't wait to bend a few elbows with you on my birthday. Mammy and Grandpa, you've shown me nothing but warmth and compassion during a time when I'm sure you just wanted to strangle me with your bare hands. Thank you for not widowing my wife. Grandmom and Popops, you guys are undeniably the most wonderful people I've ever met. Nicey, Micky, Adam and Jenny, I know you've gone through some changes in your families too. I love all of you and I'm so happy to be part of your family. UB, you're more awesome than you probably know. Aunt Trudy and her wonderful family, I hope we can all reconnect soon. Bobbi Jo, I know you didn't have to do some of the things you did. You are kind and wonderful and I'm so glad to have you as a friend. Thanks to everyone who gave me a positive recommendation so I could land a new job. For the record, I applied to just over 600 jobs in just under 60 days. It's hard out there. I apologize in advance if I missed anyone. Thanks again....until next time.

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