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Thursday, September 1, 2011

a better day

no tobacco products of any kind yesterday!

tonight is going to be a challenge. I'm going out with a couple of buddies to watch the Steelers vs. Panthers game. we will be drinking. I'm sure they will be smoking. I'm planning on taking a cigar with me to smoke at the tail gate in the hopes that the cigar will keep me from smoking cigarettes....we'll see how that turns out. As you read this, you're probably thinking, "there's no way. he'll never do it." well I'm going to give it a shot and damn it I want to prove you wrong (I know it's you broke my broke my heart.)

I was thinking about this blog yesterday and wondering if it will get any readership from the American tobacco companies. I also thought about the fact that there has never been a television show (that i know of anyway) that has tackled this particular addiction. That seems weird to me. There are shows about every other type of addiction. Heroin, alcohol, crack, meth, rock eating, sex, I saw one where a lady was addicted to eating dryer sheets. What the hell? But no shows about nicotine addiction. I recall the movie "The Insider" (Al Piccino/Russel Crow - based on the true story of a tobacco industry whistle blower). In this movie the whistle blower takes the science of nicotine addiction and brings it to the public eye. but not before facing a series of indictments, testimonies, changes of venue, lawsuits, counter-suits and threats to both himself and his family. It was a touching story about how one man can stand toe to toe against a billion dollar industry. The tobacco companies employ more lawyers and private-i detectives than the entire US Congressional delegation. (i'm not sure if that's true, but it sounds good). This is probably the reason that there has never been a single conviction against big tobacco. Think about that for a minute. Even with hundreds of thousands of people dying every year from illness related to their product, they have never had to pay a single dollar. This seems like an open and shut case to me: If they do not know that their product is causing death and disease, they are criminally negligent; if they do know, they're simply criminals. And yet never one win against the tobacco companies. Can you explain that?

1 comment:

  1. It's reverse psychology. I taunt you because I know you'll try even harder to prove me wrong. That freshman psych course is finally paying off...

    - Kulifay
