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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Top 5's

Haven't smoked at work in 14 days! I've had a few smokes in the evenings when I have a few drinks. The cravings are still apparent, but the gum is helping.

In other personal life news; Evelyn has had some sporadic sleeping patterns lately. I'll walk around with her in my arms, bouncing and singing to her and she falls asleep; as soon as I put her down, she's awake. She smiles at me as if to say, "gottcha again sucka!" While I've been walking around and bouncing, I've had plenty of time to think by myself. One thing I've been doing to stay awake on my feet is to make a top 5 list of things that I would want if I were on a desert island; movies, books, music, meals, etc. Also, random lists of best categories in film. Yes, I stole this idea from "High Fidelity," but I'm pretty sure people were making top 5 lists before that film was released. Anyway, what I've found is that most of my favorite things have been so played out that it wouldn't do me any good to have them on a desert island. For example, I've known all the words to the Nirvana Nevermind album since I was 12 years old. what the hell good is it going to do me to listen to it again and again forever? With that in mind I've here are some lists of interest (in no particular order):

1. Metalica with the San Francisco Symphony. - super hard rock with an orchestra. awesome combination.
2. The Eminem LP. - one of the most fun albums ever made
3. Beatles' White Album - just shear genius
4. Alice in Chains Unplugged - I love the soft grunge (probably a contradiction in terms like real artificial butter, or military intelligence)
5. Nirvana In Utero (I had to throw one Nirvana album in there)

1. Goodfellas - Scorsese is great and I think this is his best work.
2. Boondock Saints - some of the best characters in cinematic history
3. Super Troopers - best slap stick comedy of our generation
4. Citizen Cane - just an awesome story and told with an artful hand
5. Major League - the comedy in this film is organic.

fight scenes (one on one):
1. Rocky 1 (Rocky vs. Apollo) - I'm not defending myself for putting 4 Rocky movies in here. Deal with it.
2. Rocky 2 (Rocky vs. Apollo)
3. Rocky 3 (Rocky vs. Mr. T)
4. Rocky 4 (Rocky vs. Ivan Drago)
5. Family Guy (Peter Griffin vs. The Chicken) it's not a movie, but I could watch that battle forever.

1. Dane Cook (just kidding Fay)
1. Eddie Murphy
2. George Carlin
3. Denis Leary
4. Lewis Black
5. Lewis C.K.

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
3. Theodore Roosevelt
4. Harold Truman
5. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
(should probably throw John Tyler in there....although I don't know of one legislative or military accomplishment that he achieved in his 4 year term, it would be cool to sit down and talk to the man.)

Best Battle Scenes:
1. Gladiator
2. Beauty and the Beast
3. Braveheart
4. Saving Private Ryan
5. Star Wars Episode 4

Best One-Liners:
1. "nice catch Hayes. Don't ever f*ckin' do it again." - coach Lou Brown
2. "What's with today, today?" - Lucas
3. "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Mr. Ferris Bueller
4. "Get busy livin, or get busy dyin." - Red
5. "Some mother f*ckers always trying to ice skate up hill." (Jared added, "some aint.") - Blade

While Evelyn continues to try my patience, I'll continue to update my lists. I'd love to have any thoughts you may have. Also, any suggestions for further lists.

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