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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lost in Transition

Ok. so I left my last blog title and advanced to something that has nothing to do with Kulifay. Sorry Fay, it's not you, it's me. I'm sure I'll still mention you from time to time and possibly drive by your blog and think about knocking on the door, but wimping out before I stop the car, or maybe call blog and hang up before your blog has the chance to say "who is this? I"m calling the police!"

Ok. All that being said, I will break right into some political banter. I have to get a few things off my chest: Obama has been traveling around the country selling the "pass this bill" idea to the 25 Americans that still support him. His approval rating on average over the past 2 weeks is at 41% (according to Gallup). That means that 59% of Americans do not support the president. Remember when the Presidency was filled with bad-asses who couldn't give a crap about polling numbers? I admire this President for heading out into the country and selling a bill that he says will put the country back to work. I also think he's a fool for thinking that making speeches about the Jobs Bill to crowds of people who already agree with him is going to make a difference. On the other side of the isle, the republicans have been busy. They have all but killed the Jobs Bill. It's awesome when they can meet half way. They're convincing Americans that the Jobs Bill will not put Americans back to work and President Obama has no idea what will stimulate the economy, is a poor leader and needs to be ejected from the White House. So who's right? Will the Jobs Bill create jobs, or will it be a waste of time? Here's the sad part: we're not going to know until it gets passed. If it doesn't get passed, we'll never know...and that's what the republicans are hoping for.  The White House is whimpering back to their corner and the House Republicans are doing their "OH YEAH BROTHER! WE WON AGAIN." (say that like Macho Man Randy's way funnier that way.) Rumor is that the supercommittee will begin working on something similar to the Jobs Bill, but it will not have the same specifics...more to come on that later.

You may have noticed that I have disdain for both parties of the American political ring. I don't consider myself a member of any political party because I think they're all full of crap. I can't wait to see how the presidency will change in 2012/2013. Will the country have more jobs? Less jobs? more unemployed? more homeless? a Jobs Bill? maybe an American Infrastructure Bill? or will this entire argument get lost in transition?

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