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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Zombie Day!!!

That's right folks. There really is a National Zombie Day. I'm sorry to say that I know a little more about this day than I want to. The only reason I know about this at all is because it was started a few years ago by a guy that hosts a weird show on a local tv station in Pittsburgh. I don't remember what the dude's name is and I can think of about 16 million things i'd rather i'm not going to look it up. Go find it yourself if you're interested...and I hope you're not.

In other Zombie news - The Wall Street protesters have spread to a dozen or so cities in the US. These protests are getting much deserved political attention, the protesters carry signs of conviction and shout their righteous message through the streets like Christina Aguilera at the Grammys. HA. Just kidding. These are some mild mannered wimps that are just kind of standing around on the zombies. a fitting sight for the day. They are expecting over 100 protesters today in Charlotte. The plan is to gather at the City Hall Building and "march" to Bank of America's corporate headquarters (2 blocks away) like the Thriller video minus the "thrill" and leaving behind arms and legs, pride and hope. I can't blame these people for wanting to protest. life really isn't fair and I wish that protesting would make a difference...but they should know better. No one cares. That's why huge corporations hire huge law firms, huge public relation firms. When a BoA corporate executive gets laid off they usually get like a $500K to $20 million severance. They're not starving (thanks Chris Rock), not going to have to file for unemployment, food stamps, medicare...etc. (They might have to fire their chauffeur who would have to file for unemployment...and join the protest....the irony's abound.) So life is sucking pretty bad for the middle and lower class in this country. What better way to show our displeasure than to march on Bank of American's corporate home? They're going to see the 100 people in the street and say, "oh gosh, what do we do now? There's like 100 people downstairs! I'm going to my room."

I truly believe that we will push our way out of this mess as soon as Kulifay runs for public office. He will show us strength and compassion and health in humanity. He will return America to the top of the world economy and make this the greatest nation in the history of mankind. And if you don't believe me, vote for him and see for yourself. Time to shine buddy. Let's see that big brain go to work.

Anyway, thanks to the protesters who aren't doing anything except giving me something to blog about. And thanks to any of my readers for switching to my new blog site. Hope you like the semi-new look. And Happy Zombie Day!!!

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