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Friday, July 29, 2011

as promised

I said before that I would comment on what I hear back from my congressman when I hear back from my congressman. Well, I've heard back via email. Here is the response to my letter of concern:

Dear Mr. Davis,

Thank you for contacting me with your views regarding ongoing federal budget negotiations.  It is good to hear from you, and I would appreciate your continued input on important issues facing our nation. 

During the greatest economic crisis our country has seen in a generation, I do believe Congress must pass a budget that is fiscally responsible.  In addition, I believe we must pass a budget that lays out a pragmatic timeframe for reducing our $14 trillion national debt, a debt we should not pass down to our children.  However, while reducing the national debt remains one of my main priorities, Congress must ensure certain programs such as Social Security and Medicare are not raided or cut in order to pay off unrelated debts. Current proposals continue to include cuts to these programs, when such suggestions should be off the table.  We must also protect benefits for our active duty military, military retirees, and veterans.  Balancing the nation's budget on the backs of seniors and our current and past servicemembersis unacceptable. Rest assured as Congress continues to consider future budget proposals I will keep your views in mind, and I will work with my colleagues on common sense solutions toward addressing the United States economic situation.

Thanks again for taking the time to contact me.  If you would like to learn more about my positions on the issues or stay updated on important developments in Congress, please visit and sign up for our E-Newsletter to keep you more informed of my work in Congress.  Please check my website for more information.  I look forward to hearing from you again soon.


Larry Kissell
Member of Congress

I"m kind of up in arms about this response. It is definitely a "reply all" kind of response. I'm sure that the Congressman's staff has one-size-fits-all emails that they use to reply to different national/international issues. I'm just not sure if that's good enough for me. My Congressman represents me. I know he represents a bunch of other people too, but I'd like to think that if he wants my vote, he would take the time to give a legitimate response to an honest voter's concern. Anyway, that's my take. let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I replied to his email with this:
    Thank you for the response Congressman. You have spent some time in this email stating what should or shouldn't be done. However, I think I missed the part where you say what is going to or not going to be done. Maybe I misunderstood. Let me ask more direct questions. What are you doing to ensure that a fair deal is concluded before August 2nd. Who's side are you on in this process? Are you for increasing (or changing) the tax structure for people who earn over $250K/year? Have you discussed your thoughts on the debt ceiling crisis with the President? No need to be glib in your response. One word answers will do fine.

    I look forward to your response.

    Thank you,
    JT Davis

    I'll let you know his answers when he replies.
