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Monday, July 18, 2011

new roomate

well i hadn't planned on discussing anything personal on this blog, but since no one is reading it and i'm expecting another member of my family in 2 days I figure, what the hell. Evelyn America Davis is scheduled to enter the world via c section on Wednesday morning. I'm sure that this delivery will be more smooth and uneventful than my first daughter's entrance. The first daughter of the Davis family absolutely tortured her mother for close to 19 hours before she was delivered. as the father and more importantly the husband I felt tortured as well. Jackie nearly broke my hand, forehead and sole with her shouting and clenching as we patiently awaited becoming parents for the first time. Throughout that day I felt such a sense of satisfaction that I did the right thing by marrying Jackie. She showed magnificent charisma during what had to be an agonizing experience. I've never been so proud of anything as I was of Jackie in that moment. Jackie and I had spent the night before staying up late and watching movies because we figured it would be the last time for a long while that we would be able to do that. after finally falling asleep at around 4am, Jackie's water broke just before 6am. we hightailed it to the hospital (a 4 minute drive from our house) and somehow I got lost on the way. i was a little distracted. Jackie's mom met us at the hospital and stayed with us all day. all day. she was the voice of calm that we both needed. I will forever be in debt to her for adding an element of unruffled support that day.

anyway, Evelyn's room is done. Had to install a ceiling fan, hang some letters, move some stuff around but all in all it wasn't too tough. We have plenty of diapers, bibs, burp clothes, receiving blankets, onesies, fake nipples everything you might think you need. however, i'm sure that i'll have to run to target a few times in the first week. you never know what's going to come up. when Gracyn was about a month old, my dad and I were watching her. that afternoon she pooped like an elephant. i'm not kidding. it got everywhere. we had no idea what to do. after the scent of the most foul thing you could imagine wafted through the living room, we picked up the little pooper by the armpits and looked at each other for what seemed like 20 minutes. we started giggling a little both wondering what our next move should be. what the hell do we do now. so I carried Gracyn to the kitchen sink, dad holding a towel under her so no poop leaked onto the carpet. holding her over the sink, my dad cut her clothes off with scissors, picked them up with tongs and put them in a plastic bag. he sealed the bag. step one complete. then he turned on the water and activated the little hose in the sink. as he squirted her down with water i swear she was laughing at us. after she was hosed down he grabbed a towel and we wrapped her up. yep you guessed it, she shit again. SON OF A BITCH. open the bag back up, add the towel, rinse, repeat. after she had gotten it all out of her system we wrapped her up in another towel. as I walked with her back to the living room she fell asleep. shit. now we have to put a diaper and onesie on a sleeping baby. we developed a plan. I was to lay her on the changing table while keeping my hand under her head and lift her legs with my other hand. dad would slide the diaper under her, fasten it and we would worry about dressing her when she woke up. what could go wrong? so i lay her down, get her legs lifted and as dad slid the diaper under her raisin like butt. she peed on us. you've got to be kidding. you're doing it on purpose aren't you? she didn't wake up. if she had woken up, we could change her diaper put some clothes on her and put her down to sleep. so, back to the drawing board. after brainstorming for a few minutes, we said screw it. we didn't try the diaper or the clothes. wrapped her in an additional towel. i sat in the rocking chair with a naked baby wrapped in two towels and watched the bowling tournament until mom got home. time to pass off the kid and grab a drink.

as terrifying as that 30 minutes was, I'm looking forward to experiencing more memories just like it.

I can't wait to meet you Evelyn. I'll try to be the best dad I can; if that includes washing poop off in the sink, then so be it.


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