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Monday, June 27, 2011 we come

top story on this morning. "California Dream is Fading Fast." all in all the story is about how Americans no longer want to live in California. Here's the best part: immigration (both legal and illegal) is slowing due to high rent/real estate prices and a decrease of lower paying jobs. First, how is this bad for Californians? California has the widest spread of demographics in the country. Everything this country has can be found in only this state. Why wouldn't the people that make the decisions for the state (mostly Hollywood Jews) want to get rid of the lower class earners? I'll tell you why. Because if the lower paid people stop paying state taxes, then the higher paid people will have to start paying theirs. Second, there's a reason that everyone flocked to California in the first place. The chase of the American Dream. But now that the American Dream is mostly found on the internet, there's no reason for people to want 72 degree winters. The American Dream is financial. no one gets rich anymore through blood sweat and tears. financial independence is achieved through less work and more bull shit. That is the new American Dream. Learn how to kiss your boss' ass, talk shit about your co-workers and work the corporate ladder like an episode of survivor. Make it happen America. the Chinese economy is counting on your ability to bull shit.

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