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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


For those of you who have been on Neptune for the past few days, protesters in Athens Greece are rioting in the streets. The cops are trying to keep the rioters at bay with tear gas and loud noises. The reason for the protests are that Greece is in dire need for funds in order to avoid ending up like Bosnia. Greece is requesting euro28 billion (equivalent of $40 billion US) from the EU and other investors. In order to qualify for this loan, Greek parliament must show cuts in government programs. Social Security, government jobs, higher taxes...ext. I guess the reason I'm writing about this story today is that we should stop taking the most free and democratic country in the world for granted. Do you really think that would happen here? ever? The fricken Greeks are auctioning off the citizens' futures. Hold on a second. Am I really sure that's the case? Well let's take a look at the strife of the Grecian people. The retirement age is 52! Wouldn't that be sweet. No wonder they can't afford not to cut Social Security. I don't think that when the framers of SS planned to pay for 30 plus years of retirement payments. Time for a change. Cutting government jobs? Ok, that's the way it goes. Yeah it sucks. No it's not fair. BooHoo. Sorry folks there's nothing we can do about it, we have to cut some jobs the same way corporations cut jobs when revenue decreases. Raising taxes. If the Greeks want to have polluted water, dirty streets, no law enforcement, than by all means riot. Who do you think pays for cleaning the streets after a riot? Someone has to get out there with street sweepers and pressure washers. Who's going to do it? YOU? You lieutenant Weinberg? (A Few Good Men).

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